Artificial Intelligence Technologies in the Russian Arctic: The Case of the Murmansk Oblast
Автор: Pitukhina M.A., Belykh A.D.
Журнал: Arctic and North @arctic-and-north
Рубрика: Northern and arctic societies
Статья в выпуске: 52, 2023 года.
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Russian Arctic is a positive example of the introduction of information technologies (Industry 4.0.) as well as artificial intelligence technologies (Industry 5.0.). In the 21st century, IT-technologies have significantly improved quality of life in the Russian Arctic — development of IT camps, access to the Internet from the tundra. Arctic projects related to the AI technologies implementation are becoming increasingly popular: the article provides a list of such Arctic AI projects. An analysis of IT and AI vacancies in all subjects of the Russian Arctic on the website of the headhunter recruitment agency showed that the largest number of IT vacancies was posted directly in the Murmansk Oblast (74 vacancies). The study also analyzed job seekers’ resumes in the Murmansk Oblast, posted in the Artificial Intelligence section. The study shows that knowledge of Python programming language, SQL databases and English language is a prerequisite for all AI specialists. It was also determined that the salary of AI specialists is significantly higher than that of IT specialists. The Murmansk Oblast is becoming a leader in the development and implementation of both IT and AI technologies; this is primarily due to the development of logistics and the Northern Sea Route as an alternative to existing sea routes.
Artificial intelligence, Arctic, Murmansk Oblast, digitalization, Industry 5.0
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 148329480 | DOI: 10.37482/issn2221-2698.2023.52.167
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