Aspects of radiotherapy after breast reconstructive plastic surgery

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The increase in the incidence of breast cancer and the improvement in the quality of diagnostic methods in cancer practice has led to an increase in the number of young patients with the disease detected at an early stage. Surgical treatment remains the main method of treatment for breast cancer. In this regard, much attention is paid to the aesthetic results of radical surgical treatment associated with psychoemotional traumatization of patients. Modern technologies make it possible to perform reconstructive plastic surgery to restore the removed breast and achieve high quality of life of patients. An urgent issue today is the implementation of radiotherapy in patients after reconstructive plastic surgery with installув endoprostheses. From one side, radiotherapy increases the results of locoregional control of the disease, but on the other side, it also increases the likelihood of reconstruction failures, which manifest themselves in the form of the development of capsule contractures and protrusion of the installed endoprosthesis. Aspects of the impact of ionizing radiation on the heart are also important. Increased radiation doses received by heart tissues are associated with the development of cardiac pathology in the delayed period after radiotherapy.


Breast cancer, radical mastectomy, reconstructive plastic surgery, endoprosthesis, radiotherapy

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IDR: 149132162

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