Automated weight compensation system for ground-based tryout of space vehicle solar panels

Автор: Verhoglyad A.G., Kuklin V.A., Makarov S.N., Mihalkin V.M., Halimanovich V.I.

Журнал: Сибирский аэрокосмический журнал @vestnik-sibsau

Рубрика: Авиационная и ракетно-космическая техника

Статья в выпуске: 3 т.18, 2017 года.

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In the process of ground-based tryout of solar panels placed aboard the spacecraft there appears the problem of gravity effect compensation. The energy of deployment mechanism is extremely limited, the weight and strength of the structure being calculated for weightlessness conditions. Therefore, under the force of gravity, the power of deployment drives may not be enough to complete the tryout, and the structure itself may be destroyed. Taking into account these difficulties, specialized stands the main part of which is the so-called weight compensation system are designed and created to conduct ground-based pilot tryout. Active weight compensation systems are most effective in this case. In the stands with active weight compensation systems all forces generated by the stand and movements of the stand parts occur through controlled drives. By introducing various sensors into the weight compensation system and by the use of their signals for generation of controlling actions in the control system it becomes possible to significantly increase the level of gravity effect compensation, as well as to minimize the influence of the stand parts inertia. The paper presents the results of the designing, building and testing of the automated active weight compensation system for solar panels. The system provides weight compensation when conducting ground-based experimental tryout of any objects (solar panels, rods, multi-tier spokes, etc.) having a long and transformable in one direction form for distances of the order of 20 m (longitudinal direction). This system also provides movement of the pieces of a tested object in the transverse direction and in height for distances of up to 5 m. The results of departmental tests showed that the weight compensation system with specified parameters described in this paper allows for ground-based tryout of the deployment of solar panels of all constructions, both currently existing and being developed for the future.


Solar panel, spacecraft, active weight compensation system, efficiency of the weight compensation sys- tem

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IDR: 148177735

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