«Library profession studies» in the educational process

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The article characterizes the significant aspects of the academic discipline «Library Profession Studies» studied at East Siberian state institute of culture by the graduate students majoring in 51.04.06 «Library and Information Activities», profile «Theory and Methodology of Library and Pedagogical Activities». The emphasis is made on theoretical aspects, problems of professionalism of the library personnel, features of course application of the library specialist's professiogram and psychogram, library mythology, librarians' professional self-awareness and the role of the specialist's personality in the library profession.


Library profession studies, professiogram, psychogram, librarian's personality, professional self-awareness, essic experience, video presentations, library mythology

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170202356

IDR: 170202356   |   DOI: 10.31443/2541-8874-2024-1-29-131-138

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