The library as an adaptive resource in the educational environment

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The article is devoted to the problem of students adaptation to educational environment as condition well being in university for formation the professional and personal student's qualities. This is difficult process both systematic and active and personal approach. To solve this problem, the research of many modern teachers and psychologists is directed, noting the importance of both formalized and projective graphic methods for solving various research problems. The main idea of this article is to represent the role of the library as adaptation resources of educational environment to acquisition the professional and culture competences. There are described the results of investigation student's representation of students well being educational environment in condition of coursework begins during the first year of learning in of Russian State Agrarian University.


Library, adaptation resources, information sources, educational environment, information technology, university, students

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IDR: 144163174   |   DOI: 10.24412/1997-0803-2024-4120-196-204

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