Sweet-scented onion biological peculiarities in culture

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The paper presents the results of an introductory test of two samples of Allium odorum L. (Riga and Bonn). Studied: phenology, seed productivity, reproduction, agricultural technology and biochemical composition. This onion is characterized by a long growing season, the shoots grow in spring at the end of April, the flower arrow grows in the third decade of June - the first decade of July. The flowering phase occurs at the end of July. The Riga sample blooms 5-7 days earlier. From spring regrowth to the appearance of arrows, 80-90 days pass. Seeds begin to ripen in early September, flowering and fruit ripening last until mid-October. Vegetates 170-180 days. The height of the arrow of the Riga sample reaches 40-65 cm (53.0 ± 2.14 cm), the Bonn one - 50-77 cm (61.4 ± 3.40 cm); the length of the Riga leaf is up to 15-27 cm (20.3±0.53 cm), the Bonn leaf is up to 17-31 cm (24.6±1.38 cm); the diameter of the inflorescence of the Riga specimen is 5.0-6.7 cm (5.4±0.19 cm), the diameter of the Bonn specimen is 6.5-8.0 cm (7.3±0.32 cm). The number of flowers in an umbrella of the Riga sample is 45-70 pcs. (53.0±2.14 pcs.), Bonn - 63-136 pcs. (104.8±8.07 pcs.), the number of Riga fruits is 24-73 pcs. (45.5±2.20), the number of Bonn fruits is 54-106 (83.4±7.41 pcs.); the seed productivity of one umbrella of the Riga sample is 88-237 (162.6±20.95 pcs.), Bonn - 168-410 (298.1±33.78 pieces), percentage of fruit formation in Riga - 84.2±3.84 %, Bonn - 79.0±1.75 %, productivity coefficient of Riga - 50.0±2 .67 %, Bonn sample - 46.4±2.36 %. Seed germination during winter sowing is up to 60-65 %. Weight 1000 pcs. seeds - up to 4.8 g. The coefficient of natural vegetative propagation is up to 3.5. In terms of chemical composition, allspice (Bonn sample) is the richest in ascorbic acid (59.5 mg%), of minerals - zinc (120.7 mg/kg) and iron (94.5 mg/kg). of prospects, the Riga sample is not very promising (13 points), the Bonn sample is promising.


Genus allium l, allium odorum, introduction, phenology, fruiting, inflorescence, morphology, seed productivity

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140294670

IDR: 140294670   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2022-4-12-16

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