Юридические науки. Рубрика в журнале - Бюллетень науки и практики

Публикации в рубрике (427): Юридические науки
все рубрики
Constitutional principles of the judiciary of the Republic of Karakalpakstan

Constitutional principles of the judiciary of the Republic of Karakalpakstan

Berdimuratova Gulnaz

Статья научная

Article discusses provisions that indicate that in order to determine the fundamental principles of the judiciary, it is necessary to study the system of principles on which it is based. As the most general provisions expressing the essence and content of the phenomenon under study, the principles of the judicial system reflect the nature of the judiciary and the level of legal development of society. The status of the judiciary is revealed, first of all, by formulating the principles of its implementation.


Criminal responsibilities adolescents and features of punishment system

Criminal responsibilities adolescents and features of punishment system

Palvanov Izzat

Статья научная

This article provides information on juvenile justice and correctional work, restriction of liberty, and mandatory community service. There are general social measures for the prevention of adolescent’s delinquency, special criminological measures for the prevention of conditionally convicted adolescents, as well as special preventive measures for this category of minors.


Digitalization of customs duties

Digitalization of customs duties

Gafforov Mukhammadzokir, Akromaliyev Otkir

Статья научная

In this article, the transition of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the Renaissance period for customs clearance, payment for participation in customs auctions for the qualification certificate of a specialist in the digitalization of world customs duties.


Electoral activity as factor of political socialization of youth

Electoral activity as factor of political socialization of youth

Jianmuratova Gulnosa

Статья научная

In given article is considered question to electoral activity as factor to political socialization youth. Future development of Uzbekistan society mainly dependent on youth; their professional knowledge degree, spiritual and behavioral qualities, especially their extent of electoral culture. We can estimate political behavior as youth’s articulating their position as citizens. An electoral activity represents the unique form in which subject of electoral process actively attends at election sand referendums for government organs according to their individual wishes. Electoral activity as a system consists of following elements: object, subject, objective, forms, circumstances, motives and norms, consequences and action process. Stability, independence, prosperity, military power, economic development indicators, security of national interest issues of the country and main activity base of society and government mainly dependent on the human factor. This plays a significant role in the process of modernization.


Legal and psychological aspects of gender asymmetry in labour market in the marine sector

Legal and psychological aspects of gender asymmetry in labour market in the marine sector

Burkhanov Sergei

Статья научная

Now more and more attention is paid to a gender problem in the marine sector. Every year the number of women ready is professional to work grows in navigation. The author tried to disclose legal aspects of today's situation of participation of women in Russia in sea branch which display a contradictory situation of achievement of equality in the rights between men and women. The obstacles of gender character which are not allowing women to work fully in branch or to move ahead on service come to light. The psychological aspects of specifics of a sea profession exerting the negative impact on the women working in navigation are considered. The author hopes that article will be able to change views of ship-owners at the employment of women in the marine sector, and to women to estimate the chances at the choice of a sea profession.


Mechanisms for the protection of women's rights in Kazakhstan

Mechanisms for the protection of women's rights in Kazakhstan

Southbaeva Saltanat

Статья научная

The scientific article deals with legal mechanisms for the protection of women’s rights with comparative analysis of international and national legislation. Effective legislation in the field of family and domestic violence can significantly improve the situation with the right to life, freedom and personal security. Prevention of domestic violence is an important area for the protection of human rights. The creation of a system for preventing domestic violence will eliminate the causes of inequality and injustice, and ensure an acceptable quality of life. In order to improve the effectiveness of legislation on domestic violence, it should be more clearly oriented to the gender aspect.


Objectives of the penitentiary system: correction, resocialization, retraining

Objectives of the penitentiary system: correction, resocialization, retraining

Boltayev Mansurjon, Palvanov Izzat

Статья научная

The article discusses the problems of the general goals of the penitentiary system as a leading element of its activities, forms a system of goal setting principles and requirements that must meet these goals, and analyzes its compliance with the goals and penalties of the Penal Code. The lack of clear scientifically based goals of the penitentiary system opens up vast opportunities for their further study.


PR как инструмент политических технологий (на примере парламентских выборов 2020 года в Кыргызстане)

PR как инструмент политических технологий (на примере парламентских выборов 2020 года в Кыргызстане)

Бокоева Жамила Токтоналиевна, Акматбекова Жанара Адылбековна, Сыдыгалиева Даткайым

Статья научная

Основная задача выборов в демократическом государстве заключается не только в избрании представителей власти, но и в обеспечении легитимности вновь избранных лиц и политической системы в целом. На сегодняшний день выборы являются для избирателей одним из наиболее демократических способов свободного выражения мнения в вопросах назначения руководителей законодательных и исполнительных органов власти. Следовательно, самым важным и неотъемлемым условием демократической системы являются свободные выборы. Выборы призваны выполнять такие функции, как избрание новой политической элиты, решение конфликтов, отражение интересов и мнений различных народов, социальных слоев и групп общества, мобилизация населения для поддержки партийных программ и социальных ценностей и т. д. Особое место в избирательных кампаниях занимают PR-технологии. В связи с этим в статье исследуются PR-технологии, использованные партиями в парламентских выборах 2020 года в Кыргызстане. Исследование охватывает временной период с 4 сентября по 3 октября 2020 года. В рамках исследования проведен лингвистический анализ информации, размещенной на официальных сайтах и социальных страницах партий, сообщения СМИ и отчеты соответствующих организаций. По результатам проведенного исследования разработан ряд практических рекомендаций, которые необходимо учесть в ходе проведения следующих парламентских и президентских выборов.


Peculiarities of the legal position of the earth and land plots in the state publicity

Peculiarities of the legal position of the earth and land plots in the state publicity

Kurmanova Aigul

Статья научная

This article examines the problem of defining the concepts of “land” and “land plot”, as well as the issue of the peculiarities of the legal status of objects in state ownership, in particular, land and land.


Political and legal culture - the factors of stability of the political and legal system

Political and legal culture - the factors of stability of the political and legal system

Rasulov Hakim

Статья научная

The article analyzes political and legal culture in civil society as the most important factor that contributes to the stability of the political and legal system in society. The stability of the political and legal system is based on the establishment of a democratic state that embodies the political and legal culture of society, ideas, knowledge, values and other components.


Some issues of countering criminal offenses in the field of informatization and communications in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Some issues of countering criminal offenses in the field of informatization and communications in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Kalguzhinova A., Mashabaev A., Ozbekov D.

Статья научная

According to official statistics, in recent years there has been an increase in the registration of crimes that have a pronounced «intellectual» character. The objectively recorded growth of criminal encroachments using information technology dictates the urgent need for theoretical research and generalization of law enforcement practice. The authors made an attempt on the basis of the integrated use of historical and statistical methods to show the impact of improving the substantive criminal legislation on the state of investigative and judicial practice in cases of criminal offenses in the field of informatization and communications. The history of the regulation of responsibility for cybercrime in the criminal laws of sovereign Kazakhstan is traced. As possible ways to increase the effectiveness of countering crimes committed using information systems, the authors formulated proposals to change the form of statistical reporting.


Some issues of legal regulation of working hours in the Republic of Uzbekistan

Some issues of legal regulation of working hours in the Republic of Uzbekistan

Abdullaeva Dilfuza

Статья научная

The article deals with the issues of legal regulation of the employee’s working time in Uzbekistan, which analyzes various aspects of issues related to working time, flexible mode of regulation of working hours, working hours, working week.


The Oliy Majlis of Republic of Uzbekistan and its foreign resembles’ activities in comparison

The Oliy Majlis of Republic of Uzbekistan and its foreign resembles’ activities in comparison

Ollamov Alisher

Статья научная

The Senate of Oliy Majlis is place where democracy begins and country’s economy flourish. A Senator is an appointed representative that is required to be a symbol of the population. The role of the Senate is to read the legislation proposed by the Legislative Chamber of Republic of Uzbekistan and suggest changes or amendments. Therefore, the article covers the main activities of the Senate and senators. Moreover, the head of authorities and public administration are to provide their annual report to the Senators. It emphasizes the role and position of Senate in the society.


The role of gestures and mimics in conveying affirmation concept

The role of gestures and mimics in conveying affirmation concept

Ismaiylly Turkan

Статья научная

The research object and the purpose of this article is the gestures, various body movements, the position of facial expressions that have a role in the delivery of our affirmative thoughts. The concept of affirmation is a complex process associated with reviving the images of “completeness”, “existence”, “being”, and “nearness” in our brains. Asking others for their opinions, evaluate the success of others, use sincere facial expressions and gestures, sympathize others’ problems, and so on are examples of micro-affirmations. Affirmation, which is primarily a semantic category, has a close relation with Psychology and Philosophy. Communication is not just a matter of words. Symbols play an important role in communication. Non-verbal communication contains 60/80 percent of the secret information of the thought process. Gestures are movements of the head and other parts of the body (lips, eyebrows, eyelashes, nose) that reflect different emotions. Gestures were created by different peoples at different times. People use signs and symbols which describe the places and things they want do explain during communication. People increase the effect of what they say by adding different meanings to their speech through body language. Without the use of gestures, body movements, speech is understood as simple, emotionally draining and boring. In this case, the listener will not feel the effect of what is emphasized, because he will not receive any stimuli. Body language is considered the most important aspect of communication because it sends a signal of how we actually feel. In all cultures, however, there are common gestures, including the gestures used to convey the concept of affirmation. But gestures are culturally based, so awareness of their different meanings in different countries provide us with strong communication.


Ways to develop small business legal logistics

Ways to develop small business legal logistics

Sarimsakov Akbar, Gaffarov Mahamatzokir

Статья научная

Small business consists of developing an object for the development of products (services) with the formation of an attribute of the legal system of logistics, analyzing its elements, reducing the volume of substandard products (services), preventing bankruptcy, introducing a reliable market system, and increasing the efficiency of resource use.


Адвокатское расследование: мертвый институт в уголовном процессе?

Адвокатское расследование: мертвый институт в уголовном процессе?

Смирнова Елизавета Владимировна, Шумов Петр Владимирович

Статья научная

Исследуются дискуссионные вопросы, связанные с институтом адвокатского расследования в Российской Федерации, анализируются плюсы и минусы введения параллельного адвокатского расследования, освещаются основные аспекты деятельности в данной процессуальной возможности адвокатов.


Административная ответственность за нарушения законодательства РФ об аудите

Административная ответственность за нарушения законодательства РФ об аудите

Артеменко Е.А., Чернов Ю.И.

Статья научная

Нормы Федерального закона РФ от 30 декабря 2008 г. №307-ФЗ «Об аудиторской деятельности» предусматривают обязанность организаций, которые относятся к установленной законом категории, ежегодно проводит аудит. В случае отказа от проведения аудита, либо при нарушении сроков проведения аудита предусмотрена ответственность. За отсутствие обязательного аудита положения Федерального закона «Об аудиторской деятельности» предусматривают штрафные санкции.


Административный деликт организаций и преступные деяния физических лиц

Административный деликт организаций и преступные деяния физических лиц

Бочков Виктор Сергеевич, Габибова Алина Руслановна

Статья научная

Рассматриваются проблемы соотношения норм административного и уголовного права не только распространяющихся на физических лиц, но и на юридических. Данная проблема является актуальной в Российской Федерации на сегодняшний день, так как порой за одно и тоже правонарушение два кодекса (Уголовный кодекс РФ и Кодекс об административных правонарушениях РФ) предусматривают разные наказания. Также в данной статье предпринят анализ «административного деликта» для организаций.


Актуальные вопросы жилищных правоотношений по управлению многоквартирным домом

Актуальные вопросы жилищных правоотношений по управлению многоквартирным домом

Керимов Анар Вагифович

Статья научная

В статье автор рассматривает особенности правоотношений, возникающих по управлению многоквартирными домами, а также требования, предъявляемые к такому управлению. В работе отмечается, что вопросы по обращению, использованию и управлению многоквартирными домами являются недостаточно изученными, в связи с этим автор предлагает некоторые пути решения проблем.


Актуальные вопросы назначения наказания при рецидиве преступлений

Актуальные вопросы назначения наказания при рецидиве преступлений

Корнаков Владимир Сергеевич

Статья научная

В статье рассмотрены назначения наказания при рецидиве преступлений. Исследован вопрос учета рецидива как отягчающего обстоятельства при назначении наказания. Автором рассмотрен вопрос значения деления рецидива на виды, а также предложены способы повышения эффективности борьбы с рецидивом преступлений и в целях обеспечения принципа справедливости.

