The value and ethics equivalences in the poetics of I. А. Goncharov's novel "The steep": Raysky, Grandmother, Vera

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In the article the problem of the correlation of the values and ethics outlook is regarded. The equivalence is suited between the principle personages of the novel - Raysky, Grandmother and Vera. The similarity and the difference of their own conceptions of life, fate and existence are the main subjects of the article. The couple of personages, Raysky and Grandmother, are being in the permanent discussion about the essence of life. Grandmother stands for God’s will, but Raуsky proves the precedence of self-living. Vera and Raysky are joint as freedom adepts, but Vera’s looking for an independence, while Raysky prefers to live in his artistic reality. The negative reaction of both of them on listening the story of the pure “Kunigunda” reveals their rejection of any moral suppressing by the personal self-determination. The symbolic motive of inner keys refers to Vera as well as Grancmother, so their ethics features are similar in depth. As a result, these three personages of the novel are connected with each other by their guideline of truth-seeking.


Equivalence, values, existence, fate, worldview

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