Sensitivity of enterobacteriaceae isolated from cardiosurgical patients to antimicrobial chemotherapy

Автор: Ilyina V.N., Subbotovskaya A.I., Kozyreva V.S., Sergeyevichev D.S., Shilova A.N.

Журнал: Патология кровообращения и кардиохирургия @journal-meshalkin

Рубрика: Анестезиология, реаниматология и перфузиология

Статья в выпуске: 3 т.17, 2013 года.

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Data on the sensitivity of enterobacteriaceae isolated from cardiosurgical patients over a period from 2011 to 2012 are analysed in the paper. We studied 124 strains of enterobacteriaceae; the proportion of strains ESBL-producing CTX-M-type was 62.1%. It was found out that from 76.6% to 100% of enterobacteriaceae strains were insensitive to cephalosporins III–IV generation, 62.0% to 72.7% of them were insensitive to the combinations of beta-lactams/beta-lactam inhibitors and 70.1% were insensitive to fluoroquinolones, with high susceptibility to carbapenems (90.9% to ertapenem, imipenem and meropenem 94.8%) and moderate one to aminoglycosides (amikacin – 77.9%, netilmicin – 72.7%). The reduction of sensitivity to carbapenems is determined by the occurrence of K.pneumoniae, with MIC of ertapenem varying from 2 to 16 ug/ml, MIC of meropenem ranging from 4 to 8 g/ml and MIC of imipenem being equal to 4 ug/ml.


Carbapenems, enterobacteriaceae, minimal inhibitory concentration, ctx-m-ферменты, extended spectrum β-lactamases, ctx-m-enzymes

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IDR: 142140554

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