Digital approach to the formation methods of action on mathematical modeling in engineering education

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One of the ways to increase the efficiency of higher engineering education is its digitalization, aimed at integrating mathematical and computer modeling. In this regard, there is a problem of creating a training system for future engineers at a technical university aimed at forming methods of mathematical and computer modeling based on the integration of mathematical and applied science in combination with digital technologies. This approach involves the use of modern information and communication technologies (ICT), simulation tools, application software packages at all stages of students' study of basic and variable disciplines. The authors refer to such disciplines: higher mathematics as a means of fundamentalizing the basic training of a future engineer; applied mathematics as a means of implementing higher mathematics in building models of technical processes and systems; operations research, optimization methods, multidimensional statistical and factor analysis as varieties of professional disciplines reflecting the practical orientation of engineering training. The article presents a system of teaching mathematical modeling to students of technical training areas in the context of higher engineering education. The main idea is the introduction of mixed and hybrid technologies for teaching students, providing the process of setting and solving mathematical modeling tasks based on modern ICT tools, including the author's software product "Automated workplace "Teacher - student", which provide an opportunity for future engineers to form both mathematical and digital competencies necessary they are interested in their future professional activities.


Mathematical modeling, students - future engineers, information and communication technologies, mixed and hybrid learning technologies, simulation tools, automated workplace «teacher - student»

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148327212   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2023-25-92-55-62

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