Closed-loop economy infrastructure and its role in circular transformation of tourism

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The change in the development paradigm and the transition from a linear to a circular model of the economy has led to the relevant research growth, including those in tourism. But their number remains limited, leaving open some theoretical, methodological and practical issues and slowing down the processes of tourism circular transformation. Researchers recognize the lack of infrastructure that ensures the closed-loop economy (CLE) functioning as one of the systemic barriers, which determine the need for in-depth study of circular infrastructure and its functions within a new development model. The research is aimed at study the infrastructure essence of CLE in tourism. During research, existing approaches in domestic and foreign literature to the definition of tourist supporting infrastructure were analyzed, its role in the circular transformation of tourism was identified, a definition of the tourism circular infrastructure was proposed, its functions and formation barriers were identified. The scientific value of the research is determined by the need for further development of the CLE infrastructure theory and its adaptation to the tourist industry. The research results can be useful in forming strategies for the innovative development of the tourist industry and tourist destinations at various management levels.


Tourism, tourism supporting infrastructure, closed-loop economy, closed-loop economy infrastructure

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IDR: 140305412   |   DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.12604912

Список литературы Closed-loop economy infrastructure and its role in circular transformation of tourism

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