Comparative assessment of the housing reproduction efficiency at the regional level

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The article describes the testing method of assessing the effectiveness of reproduction housing on the example of the Urals Federal District: Tyumen (without autonomous region), Kurgan, Sverd-lovsk and Chelyabinsk region. The method based on the calculation of the integraete index for the assessment of housing reproduction efficiency and average growth rate characterizing the dynamics of housing reproduction. Evaluating the effectiveness of the reproduction of the housing stock was carried out for the period of 6 years from 2010 to 2015 inclusive. The article reveals the leader with the highest rates of reproduction of housing among the regions based on calculations made by the method. Graphical visualization of the results presented in the evaluation matrix of efficiency of reproduction. As a result of assessment of the most effective policies property reproduction in the Tyumen region (without autonomous region), the least effective - in the Kurgan region. The efficiency of the housing stock in the reproduction of the Chelyabinsk region is below average, in the Sverdlovsk region is above average. On the basis of indicators developed by evaluating the effectiveness of the reproduction of the housing stock in the article also presents the results of applying the algorithm of automatic ratings of the regions as a result of the reproduction of housing for the duration of the evaluation.


Assessing the effectiveness, housing

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147155165   |   DOI: 10.14529/ctcr170116

Список литературы Comparative assessment of the housing reproduction efficiency at the regional level

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