Complex development of ethno-gastronomic tourism in Russia as a factor of preserving ethnic identity

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Ethnic tourism, combined with elements of gastronomic tours, is one of the possible directions of the ethnocultural revival of the small peoples of Russia, and maintaining the integrity of the ethnic cultural space. Ethno-gastronomic tourism is able to help small regions of the Russian Federation to create their own unique trade offer in the tourism market during the postpandemic crisis and contribute to the creation of new jobs in the tourism industry for the indigenous autochthonous population. Analysis of socio-economic factors in the development of ethnogastronomic tourism in the context of preserving the identity of the small peoples of Russia and the development of practical recommendations aimed at diversifying the tourist product and ethnic self-identification of small peoples, contains the following tasks: an overview of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the development of ethno-gastronomic tourism; research of the most popular Russian tourist destinations and the prospects for their development; analysis of the target audience and the degree of demand for ethno-gastronomic tours at the present stage; development of practical proposals for the modernization of the organizational and economic mechanism of ethno-gastronomic tourism. Ethno-gastronomic tourism can draw attention to the problem of preserving the identity of the small peoples of the Russian Federation, as well as contribute to the infrastructural and economic development of sparsely populated regions of the country. Based on the theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation and functioning of ethno-gastronomic tours, the study of their influence on the creation of a regional tourist product in the period of world globalization made it possible to give a general description of the tourist resources of the regions of Russia, contributing to the integrated development of ethno-gastronomic tourism; assessment of the state and development trends of tourist potential in areas with small population groups; to develop recommendations for its development in the regions of the Russian Federation.


Ethnographic tourism, ethno-gastronomic tours, tourism industry, small peoples of Russia, ethnic identity

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IDR: 140290110   |   DOI: 10.24412/1995-0411-2021-4-50-61

Список литературы Complex development of ethno-gastronomic tourism in Russia as a factor of preserving ethnic identity

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