Constructing a model for managing the trajectories of innovative development based on their integral characteristics

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Innovative way of development of the economy requires the use of appropriate methods to manage this development, both at the state and at the individual companies’ level. However modernization of traditional management methods by itself doesn't bring the expected efficiency. Deve¬lopment and search of the new concepts and approaches corresponding to essence of innovative processes is necessary. In this regard, mathematical modeling that requires development of effective computing schemes, models and algorithms, is playing an important role. The paper presents an algorithm for constructing a model for managing the trajectories of innovative development based on their integral characteristics. On the basis of the offered model it is possible to analyze functions of the income, costs, economic efficiency, to define the optimum time moment of starting new trajectories, in this case the requirement of continuity and convexity is not required.


Innovation, model, algorithm, trajectory of innovative development

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147155119   |   DOI: 10.14529/ctcr160209

Список литературы Constructing a model for managing the trajectories of innovative development based on their integral characteristics

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