Contribution to the study of history of the Kola North

Автор: Pavel V. Fedorov

Журнал: Arctic and North @arctic-and-north

Рубрика: Reviews and reports

Статья в выпуске: 17, 2014 года.

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Scientific activity by Irina A. Razumova in the field of historical and social anthropology on the Kola North is analyzed. The book of documentary materials "The History of Family of Zhidkih on the Background of Pomor Culture" is estimated.

Historical anthropology, social anthropology, folklore, regional studies, North, tradition, cultural landscape, cultural memory, family, oral history

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148319816

Список литературы Contribution to the study of history of the Kola North

  • Razumova I.A., Zmeeva O.V. Istoriya semji Zhidkih na fone pomorskoy kultury: issledovaniya i publikaciya po materialam G.F. Beloshitskoy [History of the family of Zhidkih on the background of Pomor culture: researches and publication on materials of G.F. Beloshitskaya]. Apatity, KSC RAS publ., 2013, 184 p.
  • Razumova I.A. Kraevedcheskiy tekst v social’nom pole istoricheskoy nauki (razmishleniya nad knigoy A.A. Kiseleva «Zapiski kraeveda») [Regional natural history text in the social field of historical science (Thoughts on the A.A. Kiselev’s book «Proceedings of local historian»)] Trudy Kol’skogo nauchnogo centra RAN. Seriya «Gumanitarniye issledovaniya» [Proc. of the Kola scientific center RAS. Series «Humanitarian researches»]. 2013, no. 6 (19), pp. 5-19 (in Russian).
  • Razumova I.A. Kul’turniye landshafty Kol’skogo Severa: goroda u «Bol’shoy vody» i Hibin [Cultural landscapes of the Kola North: cities by «Bir water» and the Hibins]. Saint-Petersburg: «GAMAS» publ., 2009, 160 p.
  • Razumova I.A. Pominal’niye obryady: tipologiya, scenarii, funkcionirovaniye (na primere sovremennyh semey Kol’skogo Zapolyar’ya) [Obits: typology, scripts, functioning (in the context of modern families of the Kola North)]. Trudy Kol’skogo nauchnogo centra RAN. Seriya «Gumanitarniye issledovaniya» [Proc. of the Kola scientific center RAS. Series «Humanitarian researches»]. 2011, no.3 (6), iss. 2, pp. 5-18 (in Russian).
  • Razumova I.A. Recepciya regional’noy istorii v rasskazah gorozhan Kol’skogo Severa [Reception of regional history in stories of citizens of the Kola North]. III Ushakovskiye chteniya: Sbornik nauchnyh stagey [IIIrd Ushakov scientific conference: collection of scientific articles]. Murmansk, MGPU publ., 2006, pp. 5-11 (in Russian).
  • Razumova I.A. «Rodina - eto minimum krai…»: k probleme lokal’noy samoidentifikacii zhiteley Severa [«Motherland - is a minimum Krai…»: to the problem of local self identification of residents of the North]. Evropeiskiy Sever v sud’be Rossii. XX vek: (k 80-letiyu prof. A.A. Kiseleva): Sbornik nauchnyh statey [European North in the fate of Russia. XXth century: (to 80th anniversary of prof. A.A. Kiselev): collection of scientific articles]. Murmansk, MGPU, 2006, pp.39-45 (in Russian).
  • Razumova I.A. Rol’ sem’i v processe adaptacii cheloveka na Severe [Role of a family during the process of adaptation of a man in the North]. Zhivushchiye na Severe: obrazy I real’nost’: Sbornik nauchnyh stagey [Residents of the North: patterns and reality: Collection of scientific articles]. Murmansk, MGPU publ., 2006, pp. 141-148 (in Russian).
  • Razumova I.A. «Svoboda» kak odin iz kluchevyh opredeliteley Severa [«Liberty» as one of the key determinants of the North]. Zhivushchiye na Severe: opyt i prognozy: Sbornik nauchnyh stagey [Residents of the North: practice and predictions: Collection of scientific articles]. Murmansk, MGPU publ., 2008, pp. 5-12 (in Russian).
  • Razumova I.A. «Sever» — kategoriya vremeni [«North» — is a category of time]. Severyane:
  • problemy sociokul’turnoy adaptacii zhiteley Kol’skogo Severa [Northrners: problems of socio-cultural adaptation of the Kola North residents]. Apatity, KSC RAS publ., 2006, pp. 5-14 (in Russian).
  • Razumova I.A. Severniy «migracionniy tekst» postsovetskoy Rossii [Northern «migration text» of the post-Soviet Russia]. Etnokulturniye process na Kol’skom Severe [Ethnocultural processes in the Kola North]. Apatity, KSC RAS publ., 2005, pp. 5-21 (in Russian).
  • Razumova I.A. Tvorchestvo gorodskih samodeyatel’nyh poetov kak indikator regional’noy obshchnosty [Creation of urban avocational poets as the indicator of regional community]. IV Maslovskiye chteniya: Sbornik nauchnyh state [IVth Maslov scientific conference: Collection of scientific articles]. Murmansk, MGPU, 2006, pp. 46-49 (in Russian).
  • Razumova I.A. «Ekstremal’nost» kak faktor lokal’noy identichnosti zhiteley Kol’skogo Severa [«Extremeness» as a factor of local identity of the Kola North residents]. Zhivushchiye na Severe: vyzov ekstremal’noy srede: Sbornik statey [Residents in the North: challenge to extreme environment: Collection of articles]. Murmansk, MGPU publ., 2005, pp. 91-95 (in Russian).
  • Razumova I.A. Etnokul’turniye aspekty funkcionirovaniya semji na Kol’skom Severe (po istoriko- etnograficheskim materialam) [Ethnocultural aspects of family functioning in the Kola North (based on history-ethnographical materials)]. Kol’skiy Sever v XX-XXI vv.: kul’tura, nauka, istoriya [The Kola North in the XX-XXIst centuries: culture, science and history]. Apatity, KSC RAS publ., 2009, pp. 37-50 (in Russian).
  • Feodorov P.V. Kul’turniye landshafty Kol’skogo Severa: struktura i istoricheskaya dinamika [Cultural landscapes of the Kola North: structure and historical dynamics]. Murmansk, MGGU publ., 2014, 175 p.
  • Feodorov P.V., Malashenkov A.A. Chelovek — mesto — pamyat’: Memorial’naya kultura starozhil’cheskogo naseleniya severnyh rayonov Kol’skogo poluostrova v usloviah social’nyh transformaciy; Materialy nauchnyh issledovaniy [Man — place — memory: Memorial culture of long-time residents of the northern districts of the Kola peninsula in conditions of social transformations: materials of scientific researches]. Murmansk, MGGU, 2013, 409 p.
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