Dance therapy-improving the quality of life of people with health problems

Автор: Lidija Radovanov

Журнал: Sport Mediji i Biznis @journal-smb

Статья в выпуске: 1 vol.2, 2016 года.

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Dance therapy is a diverse and complex, but little-known subject area. It can be used with people of all ages and genders. It can be effective in the treatment of people with medical, social, developmental, physical and psychological impairments. Recent studies have researched the influence of dance movement not only in patients with chronic heart failure, but with people with Parkinson's disease (PD), cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, older people etc. Different styles of dance, from Waltz, to Tango, have been researched. The results are showing that the long-term, even and short-term effects have positive influence on posture, balance, sensiomotor and cognitive performance. Likewise, it improves functional mobility in individuals with PD, enhances concentrations of serotonin and dopamine and decreases psychological stress in adolescents with mild depression. With respect to all of these discoveries, dance should be seriously considered as an alternative method of rehabilitation in addition to regular medical therapy.


Dance, Therapy, Positive Effects, Rehabilitation

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IDR: 170203699

Список литературы Dance therapy-improving the quality of life of people with health problems

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