Decision-making in the application of automated information-measuring systems for thermal power plants: the experience of the Chelyabinsk thermal power station-2

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We consider the problem of phased implementation of automated information-measuring systems at thermal power plants, economic efficiency of which is determined by their reliability, cost, volume, automated, errors of measurement, number of measuring channels, level of qualification and number of staff, as well as the impact on the performance of automated control systems and power equipment. The article formulates principles for decision-making in the application of automated information-measuring systems for thermal power plants based on the analysis of experience. In the first part of the review describes the experience of using workstations for electricity metering and registering of vibration condition of equipment and emergency situations. There are recommendations for the transition to the next stage of automation. In the second part of the review describes the experience of implementing a second stage of automation to account for the power and energy, technical diagnostics of turbine equipment and registration of emergency events. In the third part of the review we consider the problem of searching for invalid the loss of energy and technical diagnostics of measuring channels of automated information-measuring systems, as well as recommendations for the conduct of personnel policy. The recommendation is focused mainly on thermal power plants not equipped with full-scale automated control systems of technological processes.


Thermal power plant, automation, information and measuring system

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147155175   |   DOI: 10.14529/ctcr170108

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