Demographic consequences the Great Patriotic War for Kumandins (on the example of Kumandins of the Nizhneneninsky village council)

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Purpose. To reveal changes in the demographic sphere of Kumandins as a result to the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945 years). Results. The demographic sphere at the ethnolocal group of Kumandins was in a crisis situation after the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945 years). Fighting losses, and also the increased mortality of the indigenous people as a result to awful living conditions in the rearwards became the main reasons for demographic changes. Conclusion. Kumandins is indigenous ethnos in Russian Federation. They live in Altai region and Altai Republic. In the year of 1926 their number was 6335 people. In the year of 2010 their number was reduced to 2892 people. The number of this ethnos was reduced in many respects because of the processes of assimilation. Demographic losses in years of the Great Patriotic War had an important role, too. Statistical information are fragmentary on Kumandins. Only a register of farms contain necessary data which allow to reconstruct demographic consequences of the Great Patriotic War for Kumandins. It remained completely of the Nizhnenenisky Village Council. The Great Patriotic War became a cause to transformation of the demographic sphere of Kumandins from the Nizhnenenisky Village Council. Fighting losses and the increased mortality of the indigenous people as a result to awful living conditions in the rearwards became the main reasons for reduction in number at the ethnolocal group of Kumandins. About 400 Kumandins were lost in days of the Great Patriotic War, including 61 Kumandins from the Nizhnenenisky Village Council. It led to a crisis situation at the indigenous people in the middle in the XX century. The age-sex structure was deformed because men of reproductive age were lost and during war birth rate level decreased. In the ethnolocal group prevalence of women is fixed, the fraction of people from the elder ages made a quarter in all this population. As a result only a quarter of women were married. The majority of families were childless or with one child. The family structure also changed. The big fraction of a family from several generations is fixed. Clearly, the quantity of the broken families and families consisting from one person grew. After the Great Patriotic War mixed marriages extend. Mixed marriages consisted between the Kumandin men and the Russian women in the basic. In such a way the Great Patriotic War led to negative consequences in a demography of the Kumandins. Substantially the received results are typical for all Kumandins in general. Results of research on the ethnolocal group of Kumandins can be extended to other groups of indigenous people in the region. In this case it is necessary to consider correlation of data on irrevocable losses in days of the Great Patriotic War. Post-war level of birth rate conceded pre-war as a result the reduction of number men in reproductive age. The number of interethnic marriages increased in the conditions of deterioration a demographic situation.


Altay, great patriotic war, kumandins, local ethnic group, loss, ethnodemography

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