Demography of the indigenous population of colonies and of conquered territories of Asia in XVI-XX: the common comparisons of Siberian and foreign realias

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In the Russian and foreign historiography the entry of Siberia under the authority of Russia causes opposite estimations because of the demographic losses occurred in natives. So in the course of this process in the war shooting perished about 4 % of population in region. In connection with this some authors say that Russia conducted against the indigenous population military actions with the use of tactics of the burnt out earth and destruction of the resisting peoples. However, in actuality, in spite of losses in the course of connection, number of the natives of Siberia grew from 160 thousand people in the middle XVII of century to more than 1,2 millions in 2002. On the contrary, in the colonies of other European powers in Asia, and also under the rule Qin and Osman empires, indigenous population actually suffered the serious losses, sometimes catastrophic. So Dutchmen in XVII century completely destroyed the population of islands Band, and the population of Ambon in XVIII century decreased by third. India in the retention time under the rule of England lost from the hunger, the diseases and the destruction of more than 66 million people. In China at the beginning XVII of century lived about 250 million people, and by 1661 in the course of Manchurian achievement its population was reduced to 105 millions; serious losses occurred in China and late. As a result the achievement of Jungaria (Dzhungariya) by the troops of the empire Qin in XVIII century ended its existence the ethnos of Jungars. The Mongolians under the rule of the empire Qin at the second-half XIX and the beginning XX of century experienced the process of depopulation. In Japan was achieved the discrimination to Ainu and the population of Okinawa, in XVII century was severely depressed the riot to Ainu on Hokkaido island. In the Turkish empire in XIX-XX centuries are realized genocide and expulsion of Assyrians and Armenians, expulsion all Greeks; in 1600-1800 yr. occurred strong drop in the population of Iraq - from 5 million people to 2,5 millions, and Syria - from 2,8 to 1,5 millions. Thus, demography of the native Siberians under the rule of Russia, in spite of existed problems, it is a completely rare in the world example of the expression of complimentary relation to the population of colony.


Asia, siberia, colony, conquered territories, indigenous population, demography, loss, dynamics of number, comparison

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