Desacralization of the culture of ancient German and Celtic tribes under the influence of the Christianization of Europe

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The article examined the Christianization of Germanic and Celtic tribes in medieval Europe and the transformation of individual elements of their culture, in particular the initiation rite. When analyzing this rite of the ancient Germans, it was discovered that it had lost its sacred function, as a result of which it became an integral part of the life of medieval chivalry, repeatedly criticized by representatives of the Catholic Church. Similar processes of desacralization occurred with the song and poetic tradition of the Celtic bards with the advent of Christianity. In medieval Europe, the role of singer poets was transformed from religious to entertaining. Based on the analysis of cultural transformations that occurred after the advent of Christianity, we concluded that the Christianization of Europe contributed to the transformation of the desacralization of previously sacred elements of the culture of ancient Germanic and Celtic tribes, which determined the originality of Medieval culture.


Medieval culture, desacralization, Christianity, the Middle Ages, knightly tournaments, poetry of the Middle Ages, Celts, bards, ancient Germanic culture, chivalry, chivalric romance

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IDR: 144162965   |   DOI: 10.24412/1997-0803-2023-5115-84-89

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