Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna Array

Автор: Mohd Asaduddin, Shaik Seif Shah, Mohd Asim Siddiqui

Журнал: International Journal of Wireless and Microwave Technologies @ijwmt

Статья в выпуске: 3 Vol.13, 2023 года.

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Throughout the years there has been a crisis for low gain and efficiency in Microstrip patch antennas. Therefore, the microstrip patch antenna was designed for better gain, directivity and efficiency using array configuration of microstrip patch antenna with low dielectric constant at 10.3GHZ resonant frequency. The proposed design is of a triangular shaped patch array and a substrate RT duroid-5880 of dielectric constant 2.2. The results after simulation shows a good return loss, bandwidth around 950Mhz-1Ghz, directivity of 11.4db in a particular direction, gain of 11.4 dB with 99% radiation effect. The design proposed is helpful for applications like military defence and communication purposes.


Dielectric substrate, array, microstrip antenna, bandwidth, microstrip patch, Dielectric constant, Resonant frequency, Directivity, milli-meter wave bands

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 15019216   |   DOI: 10.5815/ijwmt.2023.03.04

Список литературы Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna Array

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