Design of the fastening assembly of the guys on the power spokes reflector
Автор: Kolga V.V., Lykum A.I., Marchuk M.E., Filipson G.U.
Журнал: Siberian Aerospace Journal @vestnik-sibsau-en
Рубрика: Aviation and spacecraft engineering
Статья в выпуске: 3 vol.23, 2022 года.
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Currently, global communication systems are developing towards mastering high frequency bands for organizing high-speed information transmission channels, which requires large-sized antenna systems with reflectors up to 50 meters. Most of the technical solutions used for assembling large-sized reflectors are based on technological volumetric templates that geometrically completely imitate the necessary reflective surface of the reflector. The mass of such templates increases in cubic dependence on the increase in the diameter of the reflector, which is why it becomes more and more laborious to use them when assembling large-sized antennas due to the increase in the dimensions and weight of the templates. The purpose of the study is to design the attachment point for guy wires on the power spoke of the re-flector for a "templateless" assembly. The spoke is a composite isogrid structure on which arms are fixed for attaching power units. The fastening unit is an assembly unit consisting of a bracket and clips and al-lows you to precisely adjust the necessary pull tension force to fix the cord in the working position without the use of one-piece fastening methods. The analytical approach and finite element analysis were adopted as research methods. Using an ana-lytical calculation, the maximum tensile force of the guys in the designed unit was determined, thereby set-ting the maximum load for its operation. The coefficient of friction between the cord and the clamp in each individual case is determined experimentally. After simplifying the design and construction scheme of the bracket, the analytical calculation was carried out for a three-dimensional rod frame. To confirm the results of the calculation, a finite element model of the bracket was built and its static analysis was carried out. For the developed model of the bracket, the maximum stresses were determined and their comparative analysis was carried out with the results obtained analytically. With the help of solid modeling, the mass and overall characteristics of the braces fastening unit are determined. The limiting ranges of tension forces and the materials used in the knot, as well as its strength characteristics, were determined. This unit can be used in the "templateless" method of assembling a reflector for a wide range of large antennas, it has high manufacturability and versatility.
Attachment unit, antenna, guy ropes, cord, large-sized reflector
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 148329641 | DOI: 10.31772/2712-8970-2022-23-3-451-460
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