3 vol.23, 2022 - Siberian Aerospace Journal

Выпуск журнала: Siberian Aerospace Journal 2022 год №3 vol.23

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IDS: 148329633 Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148329633

Содержание выпуска 3 vol.23, 2022 Siberian Aerospace Journal

Informatics, computer technology and management

Kolga V.V., Lykum A.I., Marchuk M.E., Filipson G.U. Design of the fastening assembly of the guys on the power spokes reflector 451
Kudryavtsev I.V., Rabetskaya O.I., Mityaev A.E. Approximation of beam support coefficient val-ues at vibrations and buckling 461
Lukyanov M.M., Prokhorov G.P., Kutsenko V.S., Karpov E.S., Parshin A.S., Zuev D.M. The concept of an educational and scientific experiment for conducting on-orbit testing of any types of photovoltaic cell 486

Technological processes and material science

Bordonskiy G.S., Gurulev A.A., Orlov A.O., Tsyrenzhapov S.V. Studying the factor of ice of icing field loss from fresh water in the millimeter range 532
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