Philosophical thought’s dialectical movement: the genesis of the knowledge system in Alexander Koj`eve’s philosophy. Article one: dialectic and dedogmatisation

Автор: Dorofeyev Ya.S.

Журнал: Общество: философия, история, культура @society-phc

Рубрика: Философия

Статья в выпуске: 3, 2024 года.

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This work explores the main outline of the historical and philosophical conception of the French neo-Hegelian Alexandre Kojève, which is positioned within the Knowledge System as the culmination of sequential dialectics of philosophical discourse, concluded in the Hegelian philosophy. This representation is found in A. Kojève’s “Essai d’une histoire raisonnée de la philosophie païenne”, which is not only an analysis of ancient thought, going back to G. Hegel’s “Lectures on the History of Philosophy”, but also the author’s interpretation of the genealogy of philosophical thought as such. After a series of incomplete resolutions of discursive antitheses by two philosophical doctrines in different historical periods the decisive role is attributed to I. Kant, whose philosophical system is a product, according to A. Kojève, of Judeo-Christianity and is its paradigmatic exponent. By crossing the eternal and the temporal through the dogma of the Incarnation, Christianity not only contributed to the emergence of Modern science, but also provided the opportunity for the emergence of Kantian philosophy, which established a “Christian” balance between the Lord and the Bondsman. Heterogeneous discursive components opposed ancient philosophical doctrines, thereby preparing the necessary ground for their merger, as well as for transforming oneself in this way into a Knowledge System. The research consists of two parts published in two separate articles. The first part is devoted to the beginning of the analysis of the Knowledge System’s genesis in the context of A. Kojève’s historical-philosophical concept.


Kojève, dialectics, neo-hegelianism, hegel, history of philosophy, discourse, heidegger, christian anthropologism, wisdom, kant

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 149145357   |   DOI: 10.24158/fik.2024.3.8

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