The range of market value as the most expected price of the transaction: necessity and possible ways of the assessment

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The author examines the nature of the range of market value of the object of the assessment in which there can be its point value. It is considered the questions of ways of determining of this range, and also a question for whom and in what cases this information is necessary. It is concluded that limits of the range can have the dual nature: economic and mathematical. From the viewpoint of economy there can be different opinions of buyers and sellers on the desired price of the transaction. From the viewpoint of mathematics - result of calculating errors of point value of cost. The author comes to conclusion that it is reasonably to approve at legislative level market cost as approximate value, and to organize researches for creation of methods in definition of its limits.


Market value, interval value, the most likely price, estimation error, measurement error, range of value, the range of uncertainty evaluation

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IDR: 170152239

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