Digital transformation of the Business Registers Agency in the function of the modern digital society
Автор: Milica Vasić, Petar Bulatović
Журнал: Pravo - teorija i praksa @pravni-fakultet
Рубрика: Review paper
Статья в выпуске: S vol.40, 2023 года.
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Digitalization strongly affects the economy and society as a whole in different dimensions. The process of digitalization of the Business Registers Agency, including the registration procedure of business entities, is one of the priority tasks aimed at increasing efficiency and economy as well as economic prosperity in general. Certainly, there is a prerequisite referring to the existence of digital literacy, which is not an isolated category, but rather a superstructure of earlier forms of literacy. It is undeniable that every innovation arises as a privilege of the higher social classes, which, by inertia, turns into a need of the others. In this paper, it has been analyzed the legislative framework of electronic registration of business entities. Starting from the point of view that economic growth, competitiveness on the market, and socio-economic development represent the nowadays necessity, the authors, through this paper, primarily try to define the achieved progress of the work of the Business Registers Agency (BRA) in registering business entities in the digitalization process. The quintessence of this work is the identification of the availability of digital tools for the registration of economic entities, as well as their quantification and qualification.
Digital society, the Business Registers Agency, registration, digital economy
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 170202121 | DOI: 10.5937/ptp2300099V
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