Dynamics of agroecological conditions in the slope-hollow agrolandscape of Krasnoyarsk forest steppe

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The accounting of natural features is an integral part of modern agriculture. It is especially actual for the agrolandscapes located in the conditions of a non-uniform relief. On arable massif in the land use of the training farm "Minderlinskoye" located in Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe on hilly slope there is west relief of catena 940 meters long within which there are trial areas in eluvial, transeluvial, transelyuvialno-accumulative and transaccumu-lative positions. The soil samples were selected during the vegetative season of 2014-2015 on each trial square from the depth of 0-20 and 20- 40 cm, were determined ammonium nitrogen by a disulfophenolic method, ammoniac nitrogen by a colorimetric method of Nessler, mobile phosphorus by a colorimetric method by Chirikov and exchange potassium on an ardent photometer according to Chirikov, the assessment was given to temperature condition of soils and inventories of productive moisture, accounting of phytoweight and the stern of a remaining balance with the use of a template of 20•20 cm in fivefold frequency was carried out, ammonium nitrogen were determined by a disulfofenol method, ammoniac nitrogen by a color-imetric method of Nessler, mobile phosphorus by a colorimetric method by Chirikov and exchange po-tassium on an ardent photometer according to Chirikov, the assessment was given to temperature condition of soils and reserves of productive mois-ture, the accounting of phytoweight and the stern remains with the use of a template of 20•20 cm in fivefold frequency was carried out. Accurate change of agroecological conditions within a field, non-uniform on a relief, was established. The regu-larity of change of hydrothermal, water-salt, soil parameters defines increase in reserves of produc-tive moisture, increase of nutritious elements from eluvial to transaccumulative part of an agrolandscape. In dynamics of nitrate nitrogen its reduction by the end of a vegetative season on all positions of the catena was observed. The content of ammonium nitrogen increased in the fall in com-parison with the spring term of definition. Quantita-tive changes of mobile phosphorus and the ex-change potassium during the vegetative season were shown slightly. The interrelation between the efficiency of an agrocenosis and the fertility of soils was established.


Agrolandscape, catena, humus, nu-trition elements

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14084521

IDR: 14084521

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