Biology. Рубрика в журнале - Доклады независимых авторов

A simple way to determine the sex of oneday poultry chickens (basic principles)
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In this work describe the experiments, which shows the principal possibility to develop cheap computerized optical separator for determining the sex of one-day chickens. This can help to improve the income of poultry industry.

Increasing quality of separation of shelled peanuts by X-rays and IR technologies
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One of the important requirements of the market to peanuts in shell is the lack of incompletely filled with fruit. Traditional mechanical sorting methods cannot solve the problem completely. In this work experimentally proved the possibility of the complete removal of immature fruits ("singles") by using image processing of x-ray and infrared.

The simplest formulas of natural selection
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The dependences are found for haploid population: time to fixation of a allele as a function of population size and allele's relative fitness; allele frequency as a function of time; natural selection's speed as a function of time; natural selection's speed as a function of allele frequency