Dynamics of quadratic Volterra-type stochastic operators corresponding to strange tournaments

Автор: Ganikhodzhaev R.N., Kurganov K.A., Tadzhieva M.A., Haydarov F.H.

Журнал: Владикавказский математический журнал @vmj-ru

Статья в выпуске: 1 т.26, 2024 года.

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By studying the dynamics of these operators on the simplex, focusing on the presence of an interior fixed point, we investigate the conditions under which the operators exhibit nonergodic behavior. Through rigorous analysis and numerical simulations, we demonstrate that certain parameter regimes lead to nonergodicity, characterized by the convergence of initial distributions to a limited subset of the simplex. Our findings shed light on the intricate dynamics of quadratic stochastic operators with interior fixed points and provide insights into the emergence of nonergodic behavior in complex dynamical systems. Also, the nonergodicity of quadratic stochastic operators of Volterra type with an interior fixed point defined in a simplex introduces additional complexity to the already intricate dynamics of such systems. In this context, the presence of an interior fixed point within the simplex further complicates the exploration of the state space and convergence properties of the operator. In this paper, we give sufficiency and necessary conditions for the existence of strange tournaments. Also, we prove the nonergodicity of quadratic stochastic operators of Volterra type with an interior fixed point, defined in a simplex.


Quadratic stochastic operators of volterra type, simplex, strange tournaments, lyapunov functions

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/143182368

IDR: 143182368   |   DOI: 10.46698/n9080-6847-9986-u

Список литературы Dynamics of quadratic Volterra-type stochastic operators corresponding to strange tournaments

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