Unified assessment system for all subjects of the learning process as condition for effectiveness of pedagogical management

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The issue of modeling of assessment system as condition for effectiveness of pedagogical management from perspective of system-activity, transdisciplinary and competence-context approaches is studied. The system of assessment based on system-activity approach as a pedagogical management system component is considered. Unified regulatory and prognostic model of assessment system includes the following blocks: the monitoring system, system of assessment tools and assessment system. The block of monitoring system is determinant in regulatory and prognostic model. The use of unified assessment system for all subjects of the learning process approximating the result of assessment to the conditions of future professional activity as a condition of effectiveness of the pedagogical management of training future bachelors of management is discussed.


Pedagogical management, assessment system, modeling, criterion, factor, attainment level

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14240080

IDR: 14240080   |   DOI: 10.7442/2071-9620-2016-8-4-35-42

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