Elaboration of economic and mathematical model competitiveness management of a construction enterprise

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Management of the market economy requires the use of various economic and mathematical methods and models. The modeling method is the most important universal method of investigation. The model, as a rule, differs from the object of research, but certainly has a similarity, similar to this object, primarily with respect to those characteristics that are subject to study and forecasting. The model of a complex system is also a system that has a physical embodiment, or written with mathematical notation, numbers, words, graphic images, and so on. Thus, the model is a physical or sign system similar to the system under investigation with respect to the functional and structural characteristics that are the subject of the study. There are various economic and mathematical models that are used in scientific research. The most common are the models of correlation-regression analysis, production functions and systems of econometric equations. As a rule, modern research in the field of economics and management is focused on the use of a single tool for data analysis. This article will consistently apply all of these models, which allows you to conduct the most complete and objective analysis of the mutual impact of production performance of a construction company. The article proposes an economic and mathematical model of competitiveness management of a construction enterprise based on the compilation of a system of recursive econometric equations. Formulas for calculating the endogenous and exogenous variables participating in the model are given. The calculation of the main performance indicators of the construction company is made. Proceeding from the constructed model and based on the methodology of multicriteria optimization, the authors determined the optimal indices of the production activity of the construction enterprise taking into account the given limitations. The authors analyze in detail the obtained results of calculations and convincingly proves the relevance of the methodology proposed in the article.


Economic and mathematical model, recursive equation, system, optimization, management, econometrics, production function

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147232197

IDR: 147232197   |   DOI: 10.14529/ctcr180317

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