Electron scattering on a wormhole in the Born approximation

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The wormholes which connect either two distant regions of the same Universe or two universes are one of the intriguing hypothetical objects in the physics of gravitational interaction. For wormholes to be traversable, i.e., to allow a traveler to cross them safely, the wormholes must be filled with exotic matter within the framework of general relativity. In this paper it is shown that under certain conditions the number of electrons elastically scattered on an Ellis-Bronnikov wormhole exceeds the number of electrons of the incident flux. The additional electrons appear as a result of their transition through the wormhole from the opposite side of the catenoid. In other words, a negative pressure is created in the wormhole by means of the flux of electrons directed to the wormhole. This allows us to conclude that the wormhole can be stabilized without exotic matter in this way.


Electron scattering, green's function of the dirac equation, wormhole, exotic matter

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142240758

IDR: 142240758   |   DOI: 10.17238/issn2226-8812.2023.3-4.290-298

Список литературы Electron scattering on a wormhole in the Born approximation

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