SciUp App Terms of Use

By installing and using the SciUp application, you accept and agree to comply with these SciUp application Terms of Use.

1. General provisions

  • 1.1. You are granted a limited, non-transferable, and non-exclusive license to install and use the SciUp application for personal non-commercial purposes. Exclusive rights to distribute the SciUp application, including logos and application names, belong to Mobile Reading Technologies LLC.
  • 1.2. You do not have the right to copy or distribute the SciUp application. You do not have the right to decompile, open the system code, disassemble, extract the source code, decrypt, modify or create derivative works based on the SciUp application or any of its parts.
  • 1.3. This software is provided on an "as is" basis without any express or implied guarantees, including, but not limited to, guarantees in respect of market qualities and suitability for use for specific purposes. Mobile Reading Technologies LLC does not guarantee and is not responsible for the accuracy or completeness of any information, text, graphic objects, links and other elements included in the application. Under no circumstances is Mobile Reading Technologies LLC liable for any damages (including, but not limited to, lost profits, consequences of business interruption or loss of data) arising from the use of the application or the inability to use it.

2. Exclusive Rights to hosted content on SciUp

  • 2.1. The exclusive rights to the works available in the SciUp application belong to the authors, publishers, and organizations that are directly specified on the page of the work.
  • 2.2. The content presented in the application is available under a license, including an open license, the terms of which are indicated directly on the page of the journal, article, or other work.
  • 2.3. In the absence of information about the license terms on the work page, the user is granted a simple, non-transferable and non-exclusive license to use the work solely for personal purposes. Commercial use of works is not permitted. Any distribution or posting of works on the Internet is not permitted.
  • 2.4.The use of works is permitted provided that all authorship marks (copyrights) or other authorship notices are retained, the author's name is preserved in its original form, and the work is preserved in its original form."

3. Exclusive rights to the SciUp database

  • 3.1. The exclusive rights to the database of works hosted in the SciUp application belong to Mobile Reading Technologies LLC.
  • 3.2.The extraction of materials from the database and their subsequent use is prohibited. Reproduction, copying, collection, systematization, storage, transfer of content to create a database for commercial and/or non-commercial purposes, and/or use of the content in whole or in any of its parts, regardless of the method of use, is not allowed.

4. Terms for publishing content on SciUp

  • 4.1. Before publishing works and uploading any content to the application, users are required to read, accept and comply with these terms of use of the SciUp application.
  • 4.2. Publishing works is done through the web interface of the publishing platform. Publishing is carried out in compliance with the rules of the SciUp publishing platform: When the user publishes works in the SciUp application, the rules of use of the SciUp publishing platform are an integral part of these terms and conditions.
  • 4.3. Works and any other content in SciUp are allowed to be published only by copyright holders. If the work is published by other persons, a license agreement or other permission from the copyright holder is required.
  • 4.4. The user does not have the right to upload and post or in any other way make works publicly available without the consent of the rights holder for such actions. It is prohibited to violate anyone's intellectual property rights (trademarks, copyrights, patents, trade secrets, etc.). Violating others' copyrights is prohibited. Modifying materials protected by copyright may also result in infringement.
  • 4.5. The user, when placing a legally owned work in the application, indicates the license under the terms of which the published work will be distributed.
  • 4.6. If the user does not specify the license terms on the page of the work, the work is distributed on the basis of a simple, non-exclusive license, under which the use of the work is allowed only for personal purposes. In this case, it is not allowed to use the work commercially, nor is it allowed to distribute or post the work on the Internet by third parties.
  • 4.7. The user is personally responsible for the works published in the SciUp application.

5. Unacceptable, prohibited content on SciUp

  • 5.1. Violation of children's rights
    It is prohibited to publish content related to the exploitation of children or their mistreatment. It is prohibited to publish content showing minors in a sexual context.
  • 5.2. Sexual content
    It is prohibited to publish content containing or promoting materials of an obscene, erotic or sexual nature.
  • 5.3. Obscene language
    It is prohibited to post content containing obscene language, including offensive language, explicit text, keywords related to sex or topics intended only for adults.
  • 5.4. Discriminatory statements
    It is prohibited to post content that promotes violence or incites hatred against any individuals or social groups based on race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, disability, age, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, caste, immigration status or other characteristics. Content containing educational, artistic, documentary, and scientific materials on the topic of Nazism is prohibited.
  • 5.5. Violence
    It is prohibited to publish content that depicts or promotes dangerous acts or unjustified violence.
  • 5.6. Terrorism-related content
    It is prohibited to publish content related to terrorism, containing extremist materials, such as promoting terrorist activities, inciting violence, and glorifying acts of terrorism.
  • 5.7. Harassment and threats
    It is prohibited to publish content that contains threats, bullying, harassment, or promotes such actions.
  • 5.8. False health information
    It is prohibited to publish content containing health-related statements that are misleading and contradict recognized medical facts or may cause harm to users.
  • 5.9. Tragic events
    It is prohibited to publish content that speculates on events requiring sensitive treatment and having significant social, cultural or political impact (civil emergencies, natural disasters, health emergencies, conflicts, deaths and other tragic events), or expresses extreme disregard for them.
  • 5.10. False information
    It is prohibited to publish content that promotes the dissemination or allows the creation of false or misleading information.
  • 5.11. Military and political events
    It is prohibited to post content that misleads users and may cause damage in connection with important military events, the political sphere, social issues and other socially significant topics.
  • 5.12. Dangerous goods
    It is prohibited to publish content containing instructions for the production of explosives, firearms and other weapons, ammunition, as well as prohibited parts for firearms.
  • 5.13. Tobacco products and alcohol
    It is forbidden to publish content encouraging the illegal or unacceptable use of alcohol and tobacco.
  • 5.14. Narcotic substances
    It is prohibited to publish content that contains advertising or describes the attractiveness of using drugs, including “digital drugs” (sound files that affect the human brain through binaural beats), information about the distribution of drugs, recipes for their manufacture and tips for use.
  • 5.15. Content that contains ads
    It is prohibited to publish content advertising gambling, as well as games, contests and competitions with real cash prizes. It is forbidden to publish content containing political ads.
  • 5.16. Restricted access content
    It is prohibited to publish content that contains restricted information, including but not limited to government and trade secrets, information about the private lives of third parties.
  • 5.17. Illegal actions
    It is prohibited to publish content that promotes or encourages illegal actions.

6. Additional requirements for content in SciUp

  • 6.1. Content published by users in the SciUp application must comply with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the laws of the country in which the content is distributed, and the rules of the Google Play application developer program (

7. Complaint submission system

  • 7.1. If you find copyright infringement, violation of other SciUp terms of use, or objectionable content, please send a message through the complaint submission system. The complaint form is available in the menu on the pages of all works that are published by users.

8. Content/user blocking system

  • 8.1. The SciUp application, based on complaints received from users, has a system for blocking inappropriate content. Users must strictly comply with the Terms of Use of the SciUp application. In case of detected violations of the terms of use of the SciUp application, the posted content will be deleted and the user account will be blocked.

9. Contact information