Engaged employees as leaders in workplace innovation

Автор: Lukić Nikolić Jelena, Brkljač Milan, Mirković Vladimir

Журнал: Ekonomski signali @esignali

Статья в выпуске: 2 vol.16, 2021 года.

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Innovations are the key to the long-term survival, growth, and development of any organization. For that reason, all organizations strive to have as much as possible successful innovations that consequently bring many positive effects to the entire economy. This paper points out the importance and role of engaged employees who take a leading role in organizational innovations. Engaged employees give their best effort during the performance of work tasks, try to create new, better ways to perform certain activities through cooperation and exchange of knowledge with colleagues, and try to improve the functioning of the entire organization. With their enthusiasm, perseverance, persistence, and sincere desire to give their contribution to the business of the organization, engaged employees are the important source of creativity and innovation in the workplace. At the organizational level, a significant role in the innovation process has the proposals of engaged employees who truly love their job, the organization in which they work and have the desire to dedicate themselves to additional innovative activities that are not in their job descriptions.


Engaged employees, leadership, organizational behavior, innovations, human resources, motivation

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170204047

IDR: 170204047   |   DOI: 10.5937/ekonsig2102011L

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