Enhancement of S13 Quantum Key Distribution Protocol by Employing Polarization, Secrete Key Disclosure and Non-repudiation

Автор: Bello A. Buhari, Afolayan A. Obiniyi, Sahalu B. Jubaidu, Armand F. Donfack Kana

Журнал: International Journal of Wireless and Microwave Technologies @ijwmt

Статья в выпуске: 4 Vol.13, 2023 года.

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Quantum cryptography is the most convenient resolution for information security systems that presents an ultimate approach for key distribution. Today, the most viable key distribution resolutions for information security systems are those based on quantum cryptography. It is based on the quantum rules of physics rather than the assumed computational complexity of mathematical problems. But, the initial BB84 quantum key distribution protocol which is the raw key exchange of S13 quantum key distribution protocol has weakness of disclosure of large portion of secrete key or eavesdropping. Also, it cannot make use of most of the generated random bit. This paper enhanced S13 quantum key distribution protocol by employing polarization, secrete key disclosure and non-repudiation. The use of biometric or MAC address ensures non-repudiation. The row key exchange part of the S13 quantum key distribution which is the same as BB84 is enhanced by employing polarization techniques to make use of most of the generated random bit. Then, the tentative final key generated at the end of error estimation phase should be divided into blocks, padding, inverting the last bit of each block and XORing the block to generate a totally different key from the tentative one. Also, the random bits will be from biometric or serve MAC address respectively. The enhanced S13 quantum key is evaluated using cryptanalysis which shows that the enhanced protocol ensures disclosures of large portion of secrete key to prevent eavesdropping, utilization of most of the chosen binary strings to generate strong key and safeguarding against impersonation attack.


S13, Quantum Key Distribution, Quantum Cryptography, Polarization, XORing

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/15019222

IDR: 15019222   |   DOI: 10.5815/ijwmt.2023.04.03

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