Enterprise Private Cloud Platforms: A Systematic Review of Key Vendors

Автор: Mykhailo Khomchak

Журнал: International Journal of Wireless and Microwave Technologies @ijwmt

Статья в выпуске: 4 Vol.14, 2024 года.

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Cloud computing has revolutionized the way organizations manage and deploy their Information Technology infrastructure. With an increasing emphasis on data security and residency, regulatory compliance, and the need for customization, private cloud platforms have emerged as a pivotal solution in the enterprise Information Technology landscape. This paper presents a comprehensive review of private cloud technologies, delineating their key features, advantages, and capabilities. Through an exhaustive research methodology, we explore various private cloud solutions, ranging from open-source offerings to proprietary systems. A reference architecture is formulated to provide a holistic understanding of the essential components and interactions inherent to a private cloud platform. Furthermore, 18 categories and 43 subcategories of features and capabilities for the 13 most popular private cloud solutions are identified to assist organizations in evaluating and selecting the most suitable platform based on their specific requirements. This study aims to offer valuable insights to enterprises navigating their cloud adoption journey, emphasizing the significance of making informed decisions in the rapidly evolving cloud computing domain.


Cloud Computing, Private Cloud, Cloud Taxonomy, Cloud Selection

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/15019261

IDR: 15019261   |   DOI: 10.5815/ijwmt.2024.04.01

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