Environmental culture of the city and recreational tourism: rehabilitation, educational and environmental practices

Автор: Arpentieva Mariam R., Stepanova Olga P., Tokar Oksana V., Shpakovskaya Elena Yu., Duvalina Olga N., Kuznetsova Natalya V.

Журнал: Сервис в России и за рубежом @service-rusjournal

Рубрика: Маркетинг услуг и территорий

Статья в выпуске: 3 (90), 2020 года.

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The ecological culture of the city and town is a systemic indicator of the relationship between man and nature on the territory of an urban settlement. It reflects the level (intensity) and direction of environmental activities of city residents and specialists working in various areas of urban economy and business, for the preservation and development of urban flora and fauna. An important part of the ecological culture of the city is associated with urban studies, caring for trees and plantations in the city and around it. Such care is carried out both directly, in the course of activities related to the protection and development of forest plantations, and in the context of related practices, including recreational and tourist. One of the most popular and relevant measures of modern life is the saturation of space and time of a person's life, a citizen with contacts with flora and fauna, including with the help of urban forest plantations. As for the residents of the city and the suburbs, then in their life it is, most often, mainly about micro-tourism or weekend tourism. For tourists - city visitors - getting to know the city's planted forests can be an important part of their journey. The aim of the study is to analyze the problems of the ecological culture of the city in the context of the tasks of recreational tourism and related health, educational and environmental practices. The purpose of the study is carried out on the example of understanding the problems, opportunities and areas of activity in relation to the leading aspect of urban ecological culture - urban forest plantations. The research method is a theoretical analysis of the problems of the formation and development of the ecological culture of the city, the concerns of citizens and specialists about the flora and fauna of the city, its forest plantations, in the context of the tasks of recreational tourism and related health, educational and environmental practices. As the study showed, on the basis of urban forest plantations, educational, recreational and environmental activities of different groups of citizens and tourists from other regions can be and are being implemented. Urban forestry is a complex discipline about the development and functioning of forest areas located in close proximity or included in urban settlements, and is also an important part of modern recreational geography. Hikes in the forest, which are and are not part of purposeful and systemic recreational, including tourist activities, are the most important means of maintaining the psychological, physical and other components of the health of citizens in the process of implementing recreational and health-improving and educational and environmental practices. This creates an opportunity for a person and society to survive and develop even in conditions of intense, uncontrolled technological changes.


Urban forestry, recreational geography, recreation, rehabilitation, ecology, tourism

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140249843

IDR: 140249843   |   DOI: 10.24411/1995-042X-2020-10308

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