Epoxy composites modified with coal tar
Автор: Erofeev V.T., Bogatov A.D., Kondakova I.E., Ivlev V.I., Yudin V.A., Afonin V.V.
Журнал: Nanotechnologies in Construction: A Scientific Internet-Journal @nanobuild-en
Рубрика: Construction materials science
Статья в выпуске: 6 Vol.16, 2024 года.
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Introduction. Despite significant progress in the creation of high quality polymer composites with a unique combination of key indicators, some issues in this area have not been fully studied. This paper presents the results of research on the structure of materials based on epoxy-coal binder and analysis of physical and mechanical properties at the microstructure level, which are influenced by various factors: the quantitative content of modifying additives and various fillers, the degree of particle dispersion, their size and shape. It has been revealed that nanoscale particles are one of the potential modifiers of the microstructure of composites. Materials and methods. As part of the experiment, composites were studied, in which ED-16 epoxy resin modified with coal tar was used as the main binder. Polyethylene polyamine served as a hardener. Reduction of viscosity and plasticization of compositions was achieved through the use of gasoline, acetone, turpentine, white spirit, dibutylphthalate, etc. Quartz sand, fine powders of brick, marble, glass, limestone, and in addition, Portland cement were used as fillers. Two nano additives were used: carbon black and carbon nanotubes. Standard techniques were used to reveal the mechanical characteristics. Physicochemical investigations were carried out by IR spectroscopy. Tests of samples for fungus resistance and fungicidal properties were carried out in accordance with the State Standard (SS) 9049-91. Results. The results of composite tests are presented in the form of spectrograms, graphical dependencies, and tabular data. Discussion. The results of analyzing the obtained experimental data are presented. The optimum content of polyethylene polyamine for curing of epoxy-coal compositions has been determined. The following has been established: the physical and mechanical properties of composites depend to a great extent on the nature of the solvent, and changes in wide ranges have been recorded. It has been determined that the properties of composite materials are seriously influenced by the dispersity and quantitative content of the filler. The expediency of nano-additives application in epoxy compositions has been revealed. In the course of the experiment the dependences of the change of chemical resistance and biological resistance of composites on the type and quantitative content of the modifying additive, on the nature of the filler were determined. Conclusions. Modified epoxy-coal composites with the use of multilevel fillers and additives have been developed. This makes it possible to increase the strength, increase the deformability and crack resistance of building materials composites for operation, which is very important under the influence of chemical and biological aggressive environment.
Polymer composites, epoxy resin, coal tar, solvents, fillers, nanoparticles, strength, deformability, chemical and biological resistance, durability
Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142242745
IDR: 142242745 | DOI: 10.15828/2075-8545-2024-16-6-533-548
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