1 vol.16, 2021 - Ekonomski signali

Выпуск журнала: Ekonomski signali 2021 год №1 vol.16

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IDS: 170204055 Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170204055

Содержание выпуска 1 vol.16, 2021 Ekonomski signali

Dašić Dejan, Ristić Predrag, Zlatković Miodrag Marketing and change management in the services sector 13
Pavlović Miloš, Gligorić Čedomir, Cvijić Rodić Jana Methodology of cash flows analysis 27
Lukić Aleksandar, Bulatović Dragan, Misirača Dalibor Challenges and problems of food producers in the conditions of the COVID-19 virus pandemic 49
Milošević Nikola, Mišić Milan, Matić Nemanja The importance of organizational culture for humanitarian operations 61
Stojadinović Jovanović Sandra, Bojović Ivana, Dašić Boban Team and teamwork in the function of effective management 95
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