Essence of the notion “economic space”: political and economical aspect

Автор: Mitrofanova Inna Vasilyevna, Tlisov Azamat Borisovich, Mitrofanova Inna Alekseevna, Shavtikova Lilianna Magomedovna

Журнал: Региональная экономика. Юг России @re-volsu

Рубрика: Фундаментальные исследования пространственной экономики

Статья в выпуске: 1 (11), 2016 года.

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Methodological substantiation as well as methodical and instrumental basing of an efficient management of complicated spatial and economic systems is impeded by an insufficiently precise content that is meant by the term “economic space” within the frame of the contemporary economic theory. The article investigates the dichotomy of the geographic and economic space, the multifold nature of the latter is displayed using the system of the basic indicators. In article it is emphasized that such concepts as “spatial” (territorial) structure of economy, “the spatial (territorial) organization of economy” are close, but aren't identical to the concept “economic space”. They are understood as a natural order, the device and already then - as activities for the organization and streamlining of economic space. And in each timepoint the economic space appears as fixing of proportions and scales of various objects. Authors tried to resolve a problem of a dichotomy of geographical and economic space, proving that economic space it isn't simple the certain territory located in concrete geographical coordinates it represents much more difficult phenomenon appearing in the form of unity of speculative and real space, interning along with geographical, historical, demographic, cultural, religious components which in total and define the contents economic components...


Globalization, economy, economic relations, management, economic space, territory, relations, properties, functions

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 149131108

Список литературы Essence of the notion “economic space”: political and economical aspect

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