Estimation and control algorithms of manufacturing and sales processes under conditions of incomplete information
Автор: Shiryaev V.I., Bragina A.A.
Рубрика: Управление в социально-экономических системах
Статья в выпуске: 1 т.17, 2017 года.
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Approaches to the enterprise control under conditions of certainty and uncertainty are considered. Economic and mathematical model of manufacturing and sales enterprise is constructed in the form of nonlinear difference equations, determining the correlation of material, information and financial flows within the enterprise. This allows solving the problems of analysis and control of economic processes both in the enterprise in general and in its subdivisions. The solution to one of the possible problems of enterprise adaptation to changeable market conditions is considered, and the method of estimate of adaptation efficiency is introduced. The problems of enterprise parameter optimization and optimal control of the enterprise behavior under conditions of incomplete information and market environment changes are stated and solved. The algorithm of estimation of state vector of the system is obtained for the conditions of incomplete information. The results of modeling are given. The economic and mathematical model and the algorithms of estimation and control can be applied in the design of the enterprise automated control systems software.
Parametric optimization, optimal control, control under conditions of incomplete information, filtration, guaranteed estimation
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IDR: 147155177 | DOI: 10.14529/ctcr170110
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