Ethical aspects of guerrilla and ambush marketing

Автор: Dašić Dejan R., Milojević Nataša D., Pavićević Aleksandra M.

Журнал: Ekonomski signali @esignali

Статья в выпуске: 2 vol.15, 2020 года.

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The paper analyzes the ethical aspects of guerrilla and ambush marketing in the time of the great crisis of the advertising industry and sponsorship agreements. Guerrilla marketing is a creative, imaginative, unexpected, unusual, aggressive, interactive, fun, cheap, inspiring, convincing, mobile and flexible way of achieving marketing goals. We can define ambush marketing as a tactic, which is contrary to the ethical principles of business, especially towards the competition in the form of other sponsors at a certain event. Unethicalness is highlighted in attempts to marginalize the activities of other sponsors who have acquired rights under a contract with the sponsoring entity.


Guerrilla marketing, ambush marketing, advertising, sponsorship

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170204067   |   DOI: 10.5937/ekonsig2002049D

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