Evaluating the Capacities and Limitations of 5G and 4G Networks: An Analysis Approach

Автор: Mohammad Reza Batooei, Mina Malekzadeh

Журнал: International Journal of Wireless and Microwave Technologies @ijwmt

Статья в выпуске: 3 Vol.14, 2024 года.

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The utilization of millimeter waves in 5G technology has led to key differences in the capacities and performance of radio communications. Examining the advantages and challenges of this technology and comparing it with an established technology like 4G can provide a deeper understanding of these changes. Overall, this study conducts examinations to provide the characteristics of 5G and 4G technologies. In this study, the performance of 5G was evaluated and compared to 4G, under fair conditions, by analyzing the effect of increasing the distance of antennas, the number of users, and bandwidth on signal power, delay, throughput, channel quality, and modulation metrics. The analysis demonstrates the superiority of 5G in terms of speed and its ability to support more users compared to 4G. The higher data rates and enhanced capacity of 5G are evident in the results. However, it's worth noting that 4G offers a wider coverage area compared to 5G, making it more suitable for certain scenarios where extended coverage is essential. Additionally, it was observed that 5G signals are more susceptible to noise and obstacles compared to 4G, which can impact signal quality and coverage in certain environments. The presented results suggest that using 5G antennas in geographically limited and densely populated areas, such as rural regions, would be more cost-effective compared to using 4G antennas. This is because fewer antennas are required to serve more users without the need for extensive coverage. Additionally, numerous obstacles in urban areas pose challenges to 5G technology, thus requiring a greater number of antennas to achieve satisfactory accessibility.


5G, 4G, Millimeter waves, Performance analysis, OMNeT++

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/15019258

IDR: 15019258   |   DOI: 10.5815/ijwmt.2024.03.05

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