Experimental results on academic mobility development in university students in process of foreign language acquisition

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The goal of the article is to present and analyze experimental results of the three stage experimental study aimed to substantiate effectiveness of the introduced modified project technology targeting development of academic mobility in university students in the process of professionally oriented foreign language acquisition. Academic mobility of university students is understood as a dynamic, integral personal quality consisting of a number of interrelated and interdependent components. The studied quality is essential in adaptation to a dynamic variety of the changing environment inclusive of educational and professional areas. Academic mobility is developed in the process of mastering professionally oriented foreign language. A modified project technology is employed to realize the three-tiered goal of the learning process: to develop foreign language competency, to enhance independent study skills, and to establish and strengthen academic mobility as a personal quality. Results of the experiment, presented in the article, validate our hypothesis concerning effectiveness of the project technology and the set of pedagogical conditions necessary and sufficient for academic mobility development in university students.


Academic mobility, integral personal quality, interrelated components, modified project technology, language acquisition

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14750533

IDR: 14750533

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