Risk factors and strategies for stroke prevention in low to middle-income countries

Автор: Feigin V.L., Krishnamurthi R.

Журнал: Патология кровообращения и кардиохирургия @journal-meshalkin

Рубрика: Обзоры

Статья в выпуске: 3 т.16, 2012 года.

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A recent meta-analysis of the population-based stroke incidence studies showed a significant trend towards almost 2-fold increasing of stroke incidence rates in low to middle-income countries over the last 4 decades. The study also demonstrated that stroke incidence rates in low to middle-income countries currently exceed the level of stroke incidence in the developed (high income) countries by 20%. Compared with people in high-income countries, people in low to middle-income countries also experience a higher stroke mortality rate and greater proportions of hemorrhagic strokes. Should the current trends in stroke incidence and aging of the population continue, deaths from stroke in the developing countries will increase over the next decade by 20% and the overall burden of stroke may soon become unbearable for the economy of these countries. The way to stop the stroke pandemic and reduce stroke incidence is effective stroke prevention. In this review, we summarize current evidence for stroke risk factors and prevention in low to middle-income countries and outline possible promising strategies for tackling the problem.


Stroke, prevention, low to middle income countries

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142140498

IDR: 142140498

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