Family as a factor of socialization and resocialization

Автор: Ivan Joksić , Vesna Rajaković

Журнал: Pravo - teorija i praksa @pravni-fakultet

Рубрика: Review paper

Статья в выпуске: 4 vol.37, 2020 года.

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A family represents the basic unit of the society. It has a crucial influence on developing both positive and negative tendencies in the young population. A social role of a family comprises the active relationship of its senior members, especially the parents, in the process of socialization of the youngs – children and minors. In a process of resocialization, a proper positioning of family members represents the highest achievement in the realization of its social role. In such a way, a family gives an active contribution to affirming the positive social values. However, the expected social role of the family is often being corrupted by the deviant and criminal behavior of its junior members. Thus, this is a clear signal that the socialization was unsuccessful. The reasons may be found in its partial or complete deficiency. When a family fails to complete its role, then we have on the scene the members of the young population who do not comply with moral and legal norms. Consequently, they must be subjected to a process of resocialization. This process includes various subjects: the court, social welfare center, local community, school, family and the offender him/herself. They jointly participate in a resocialization process as a form of rehabilitation. Although in this process the family role is being realized within the legal frames (issued sentences or decisions), it is undisputable that it plays the important role. Hence, we find necessary to point out the specific role of the family as a factor in the socialization and resocialization process.


Family, socialization, resocialization, the Social Welfare Center

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170202248   |   DOI: 10.5937/ptp2004042J

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