Pharmacoinvasive strategy in the treatment of acute coronary syndrome with ST segment elevation on ECG

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The article provides the analysis of the results of reperfusion therapy in 145 patients with acute coronary syndrome with ST segment elevation. The focus of the study included the effect of reducing the time before TLT, the effectiveness of thrombolysis and the impact of combining thrombolysis with PCI on short-term and long-term results. It is shown that prehospital thrombolysis using fibrin-specific plasminogen activator conducted within 1 hour from the onset of symptoms of the disease is the most effective and safe. On increasing the time before the treatment, the efficiency of treatment decreases. Combining thrombolysis with PCI within pharmacoinvasive strategy improves outcomes of hospital and long-term periods of the disease.


Acute coronary syndrome, prehospital thrombolysis, tenecteplase, percutaneous coronary intervention

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148102285

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