Phenomenon of abstract noun

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The article is devoted to determining the abstract noun, description of the historical origination of abstract names, as well as the sphere of their functioning in modern languages. The work studies the main features of abstract nouns. It demonstrates various directions in defining abstract names and singles out the main difficulty brought about by the possibility of abstract name pluralization. In their turn, quasiabstract nouns are an unclosed category, which includes both ordinary plural forms and rare ones. The latter may correspond to the contextual norm or be perceived as a communicative failure, an unjustified pluralization of a singular noun. Thus, one is faced with a deep, fundamental difficulty of the theory of similarity: the contradiction between the understanding of a common feature developed in it and that understanding which is part of the very structure of natural language and actually operates in everyday scientific and common thinking. The article makes an attempt to determine how the linguistic model of abstract nouns functions, as well as the necessity of expressing which meanings defines its specificity.


Abstract noun, compatibility, article, pluralization, semantics, word formation, adverbial noun

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IDR: 14489845

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