The phenomenon of student cultural centers galleries during the 1970-s in Yugoslavia: the emergence of relations between the cultural, artistic and social activities

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The article examines the emergence and interaction of the three student cultural centers galleries: Student Centre Gallery in Zagreb (Gallery SC), Student Cultural Centre (SKC) in Belgrade and Student Center in Novi Sad (Youth Forum) since student riots in 1968 and during 1970s. It reveals features on each of the galleries individually in their local cultural environment, in political context in which they are established and their impact on the sociocultural life and art in the region, their role in the countries of former Yugoslavia and their mutual interaction. Choosing the specified periods is due to the appearance and increasing the role of conceptual art in the socialist Yugoslavia. The phenomenon of student cultural centers galleries, is a relevant object of scientific study because they showed the freedom of expression and spontaneous continuity of cultural life in the regions of Yugoslavia, today they are reassociated in joint projects of importance for understanding of the common cultural history.


Student cultural centers galleries, conceptual art, culture, society, politics, curatorial practice, countries of former yugoslavia

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IDR: 144160999

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