The phenomena of «cultural brand» in the process of creation the image of Russian regions

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In the article the essence of the “cultural brand” has been analyzed. The cultural brand can be produced on the basis of the conception of the historical sight, which has popularity in this region, country, or all over the world. Author researches problems of the process of creation the cultural brand of Russian regions and Russia. Author presents aspect of symbolism in the process of creation cultural brand (logo as a tool of identification territory). Author presents examples of Russian regional brands: Tula, Ryazan. Author uses comparative analyses to draw on similarities and differences between phenomena implied under terms of “territorial brand”, “territorial image” and “cultural brand”. The portion of the article has been devoted to the revelation expediency plays in creation and promotion of “cultural brad” of certain regions of Russia and the country itself. Author analyzes the problem of the process alienations from moral and esthetic values which is reflection of the decrease mechanism of cultural level of the population having spontaneous character. This problem has direct impact on image of the territory.


Cultural brand, representation of the region, territorial brand, geo-cultrual brand

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IDR: 14489789

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